essi.m.e.pellikka · bw7o
Bw7o (Body With 7 Organs) is a spatial practise, a spoken dialogue, it is the resonance and the resistance against the logical and rational structures constructing buildings and factories; a full sonic representation of space becoming a space of representation. Sound as the influx that hits columns, walls and bodies to shake the stagnant foundations of capitalist thinking.

The revival of sterile architectures has become rampant and contagious as the virus, activating spaces with the influx of money and businesses seeking economic development, increases proces and tokenizes art and culture. In the worst case scenarios can lead to population migration and displacement, only benefiting a few.

The work constitutes of an audiovisual installation, which was activated with an half an hour performance on three evenings 27.7 – 30.7 in 2021.

Collaboration between Manuela Illera, Rosa Lukow, Pierre-Yves Delannoy, Santiago Archila Salcedo, Qiao Wan, Chaeeun Lee and Essi Pellikka, for the exhibition Body Without Organs of Klasse Julian Rosefeldt, at the old concrete factory of Sugar Mountain, Munich.