LAST DAY OF THE FIRST WEEK is a video work that is filmed in the 2.5 dimensionsional space of smartphone communication. All footage is filmed from a smartphone screen during a video call. The name refers to the first week of Finnish and German borders being closed because of the coronavirus pandemic.
The work ignores the questions such as “who films” “who directs” “who narrates” etc, being just a documentation of an everyday mediated communication. The aesthetics - the graininess and the jerkiness, usually typical only for analog, come to existence because of the qualities of the technology between the final recording and that which is being recorded - bad connection and the pixelated colorfields of the smartphone. The outcome is a frantic, Mekas - like movement, as the person actually filming their surroundings, doesn’t concentrate on the act of recording the video as much as on their surroundings and the communication happening though the smart phone - showing around and going from a place to another as they wish.

3:06 min edit from a 10:36 min version. No audio.